“Fifty Shades Of Perception”
Oil Painting by Tammy Carmona
“Fifty Shades Of Perception” is an abstract oil painting on 48” x 60” canvas by Tammy Carmona. Available as original, prints, and NFT collection.
“Fifty Shades Of Perception” is an abstract oil painting on 48” x 60” canvas by Tammy Carmona. Available as original, prints, and NFT collection.
“Blue Water”, original painting by Tammy Carmona. Oil on canvas, 2021.
“Colorways” is an abstract composition depicting three-dimensional curves of smoothly flowing colors, twisting and intersecting upon each other. The bottom part of the image features a dense, intertwined growth of the “vines”, gradually giving way to more sparse positions, while the background grows rougher and more textured. This painting represents several concepts. The variance of…